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Sunday 16 November 2014

Genuine You Teacher Spotlight: Lisa Dieken

I am very honoured to have been invited to teach in Genuine You by the talented Lisa Dieken. Today I'd like to shine the Spotlight on Lisa and share a little about her and her class in Genuine You.

Nature: Cultivating Your Inherent Link

Lisa Dieken is dedicated to helping others become their Divine Self and live their divine blueprint. She offers online classes on communicating with your spirit guides for raising your consciousness and becoming your Divine Self. Lisa also offers written assistance, one-on-one telephone healing sessions and wisdom sessions, a Business Mentorship, a Personal Growth Mentorship and additional online classes.

Divine Self
From the book “Partnering with Spirit”
Your Divine Self is your authentic self. You can think of your Divine Self as your higher self together with your unique inherent human characteristics in their best expression.
Another way to think of your Divine Self is as a specific group of your spirit guides. These spirit guides have high consciousness. Some of their abilities and characteristics are what we think of as human abilities and characteristics. The abilities are those like being a healer and being a teacher. The characteristics are characteristics such as having inner strength and gentleness. Not all of the abilities and characteristics of your spirit guides who are your Divine Self are your abilities and characteristics. When you have become your Divine Self you have the abilities and characteristics of the spirit guides who are your Divine Self in a way that is authentic to you. When you become your Divine Self, it feels like you at your very best.
In her book A Mythic Life, Jean Houston shares what the archetype Athena has told her. Houston mentions that Athena has been important to her throughout her life. Because archetypes can be spirit guides, she is describing becoming your Divine Self.
Houston writes that Athena shared the following:
“You must try and devote days to staying with your archetype almost continually, days in which you have a fair amount of freedom to do this. This kind of time builds up the connections between us. As you grow the relationship to your archetype, the archetype dwells more and more within you. Then we can be bridged into your world, rendered diaphanous to your world, and you to ours. It becomes a healing exchange, with the archetype holding the higher “pattern” of “you” that can come through-not just for the healing of you but for the “wholing” of you and the deepening of the world.”
You are already your Divine Self. You just need to release all that is in the way of it. What isn't your Divine Self are the fears, beliefs, habits and so on of heavy leaded consciousness. Heavy leaded consciousness is what is commonly referred to as the ego. As you release this heavy leaded consciousness, your consciousness continues to raise into light consciousness. When all that is heavy has been released, your Divine Self is fully revealed.
Your Divine Self has a quiet mind. Your Divine Self is at peace. Your Divine Self is grounded. Your Divine Self includes your unique inherent human characteristics in their best expression. Your Divine Self is your highest potential.
By becoming your Divine Self you manifest your divine blueprint: carry out your life purpose and manifest your dreams.

The classes in Genuine You are taught by caring and talented teachers who are available to answer your questions.

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Find out more: Genuine You